Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 143 - Saved by 2 Angels After Deadly Crushing Injury!

Bruce Van Natta was a skilled diesel mechanic. In 2006, he nearly died when a jack slipped and a Peterbilt logging truck nearly crushed him in half. While his journey included an unimaginable healing process, there were undeniable miracles of God that began at the injury site.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 142 - Healed of Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer!

Lynne was a fitness instructor and in the best shape of her life when she was given 3-6 months to live. She was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in 2015. The prognosis was dire, but Lynne held on to hope and she cried out to God. In her full surrender to God's will, she heard Him tell her it was not yet her time to go.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 141 -

He was known as Diamond Jim. Never a religious man, Jim was a successful airline pilot and businessman who enjoyed all the finest things the world can offer. Although he loved traveling the world, there was always a hunger for something more. The day he died would prove to be an unexpected journey that would quench his deep hunger and leave him radically transformed.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 140 - Mike Nearly Dies and Witnesses the Glory of God!

Mike didn't believe in near death testimonies until he experienced one. Sepsis (massive systemic infection) after a ruptured appendix nearly took his life. Events that transpired during the trial would have a life changing impact.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 139 - Every Day a Miracle - with Pastor Matt Brown

Pastor Matt Brown has witnessed miracles of many types personally and in his congregation. In his new book, Matt takes a deep dive into the subject and invites the reader to discover Jesus as not only Savior, but as a Healer.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 137 - Atheist Kickboxer Encounters Jesus

Rick Bell’s life began with his mother giving him up at birth and refusing to ever meet him, causing life-long feelings of rejection that he medicated by overachieving in everything he did. A powerful supernatural encounter with Jesus forever changes his life and calling.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 136 - Healing After Accidental Death or Injury - with Jennifer Eikenhorst

Jennifer is a wife, mother of four, and an educator who is passionate about helping struggling students. One evening on a routine run to pick up her child, she collides with a motorcyclist. Despite her desperate prayers and efforts made, he passes away. Everything begins to unravel and life as she knew it was falling apart, her identity, faith and mental health. She battles the voices of guilt and whispers of shame and countless questions without hope of answers on this side of heaven.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 135 - Skeptical Attorney Witnesses the Supernatural!

Steve Austin was a churchgoing attorney who did not believe in supernatural healing miracles. His life was transformed when, out of curiosity, he participated in a mission trip to India and witnessed undeniable, verifiable supernatural healing miracles. His faith was ignited! Ultimately this would be the catalyst to lead him into full time ministry.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 133 - Healing Prayer is God's Idea for Restoring Body, Mind & Spirit

Authors David Chotka and Maxie Dunnam share their unexpected journeys of discovering that healing prayer is God's idea, not a human concept! Each share a miracle they have personally witnessed within their families, and priceless insights they have learned in their many years in ministry and study that will equip and inspire!

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 132 - Anointed Healing Evangelist Witnesses the Miraculous - with Joan Hunter

At the young age of 12, Joan dedicated her heart to the Lord and has faithfully served him from that day. She has uncompromising faith and dedication to the call of God on her life. She exhibits a sincere desire to see the body of Christ set free in their body, mind, soul, spirit and finances. Joan Hunter is a compassionate minister, dynamic teacher, an accomplished author, and an anointed healing evangelist. Her focus is to train and equip believers to take the healing power of God beyond the 4 walls of the church and into the 4 corners of the earth! (from website joanhunter.org)

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 131 - He Was Dead for 1 Hour 45 Minutes and Experienced Heaven!

Dean Braxton died. Hospitalized for a kidney stone, he contracted an infection that led to sepsis. His condition deteriorated to multisystem organ failure and cardiac arrest. His medical records show that he was dead for 1 hour and 45 minutes. During this time, he shares that he experienced meeting Jesus and seeing the glory of heaven.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 130 - Do Near Death Testimonies Prove the Existence of a Loving God?

John Burke was an engineer and an agnostic. As his dad was dying of cancer someone gifted his family with Raymond Moody's book "Life After Life." John read it in one sitting at his father's bedside. It sparked the thought, "Could this be real? Could there be an after life? A God?" This led him to read the Bible, where he found undeniable evidence in the scriptures and Bible prophecy about the existence of a real and loving God. He left his career to become a pastor and dedicated his life to ministry.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 129 - Neuropsychologist Receives Life Changing Revelation from God

Dr. Michelle Bengtson has been a board-certified clinical neuropsychologist for almost 30 years. She is also a strong woman of faith who has personally walked through some very challenging times. God has given her powerful revelation that has equipped her to minister to and equip those facing multiple types of pain and overwhelm.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 126 - Divinely Inspired Gift Sparks Comfort & Healing for Thousands (with Ashley Opliger)

Ashley developed complications in her second trimester of pregnancy. As her mother prepared to visit her in the hospital, she was led by the Holy Spirit to crochet a small cradle (hoping it would not be needed). Little did she know how God was going to use this gift to inspire comfort and healing not just for Ashley, but for thousands of bereaved parents in fifty states.

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