Episode 104: Holy Spirit Prompting Leads to Miracle!

A mother receives a clear and urgent prompting from the Holy Spirit about her son and his mysterious declining health.Through a family's prayer and persistence, Steve was able to get the life altering care he was incapable of knowing he needed. He and his family are thrilled to share what God has done!

In this episode Steve and his sister Denise share:

-The gradual yet dramatic changes the family noticed in Steve

-Steve goes from a high level executive at the pinnacle of his career to a farewell package

-Futile efforts with coaching, counseling, and even medication for perceived depression

-The impact of a family and their faith committed to saving Steve

-Steve's mother is prompted out of sleep by the Holy Spirit to get Steve an MRI as soon as possible

-Diagnosis of a massive brain tumor and the path to treatment at Mayo Clinic (13 hours for a typical 5-6 hour surgery)

-Denise's previous diagnosis and receiving treatment simultaneously

-Remarkable flipping of a switch and Steve's brain turning back on hours after surgery (this dramatic pace of recovery was worthy of a case study)

-Denise's revelation that God could use her testimony to comfort her brother

-Miracle of answered prayer for full cognition and a new revelations about earnest prayer and what is most important

Upon Steve's diagnosis, he was 6 months from being blind and less than a year from death. Although his sense of smell could not be saved, his prognosis at this point is the best possible with low propensity for regrowth. He will get annual scans to check for any issues. He is enjoying his family and retirement.

"I've been a Christian since seventh grade. That's when I accepted Jesus Christ. It took until I was 55 years old to really understand what that relationship was supposed to be. This process has brought about changes in character and changes in the way I approach relationships with people. It changes the very notion of the man that I'm supposed to be on this Earth." - A grateful and faith filled Steve Had

All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. 4 He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.
— 2 Corinthians 1:3-4


Episode 105: Dying to Be Alive


Episode 103: Healing and Forgiveness After Tragic Loss of Son