Episode 113. Our Born Identity - with Randy & Cynthia Lail

Trigger Warning: while this episode's focus is on miraculous healing and offers hope, there is mention of sexual abuse, satanic ritual abuse, suicidal thoughts, sexual addiction and eating disorder.

Randy didn't want to admit he had a dark sexual addiction, but after nearly losing his life, he had no choice. Initially, Randy and his wife Cynthia had no idea regarding the extent of repressed trauma that was triggering these behaviors.

Randy's sexual abuse started at age 3 and progressively got darker into his teens. On the heels of satanic ritual abuse at 14, he had a breakdown which required hospitalization and electroconvulsive shock therapy. The trauma of this unimaginable abuse would be repressed for 33 years. In a situation that seemed completely hopeless, Jesus led Randy and Cynthia to find healing, redemption, forgiveness, and restoration.

In this episode Randy and his wife Cynthia share:

-Randy's first realization that he was dealing with a sexual addiction

-A pivotal prayer that would start his journey to healing

-The courage to seek professional help, being diagnosed with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) 

-Their experience with MDMA therapy after exhausting every possible avenue

-Inviting Jesus to be with him through the trial...and meeting him in the trial

-An other worldly experience with Jesus and people that Jesus wanted him to meet

-A life changing experience with Jesus and God the Father

-A grandmother's love and the power of her prayers

-Randy's new calling and desire to bring hope for those that are struggling with PTSD

"I want others to know that no matter how dark it is, there is always hope, and God can meet you in your hopelessness. He will bring you hope. I want to help someone else. I want to plant hope and healing in those who are lost."  - Randy Lail

Cynthia's words for loved ones of those struggling with PTSD: 

"They've got to get through it. Don't put off getting help. The memories are not going away until you face them and deal with them. And you've just got to be there and love on them and don't give up. To get to this point that we're at now is amazing. But it was a lot of really hard years. God kept us together. I kept praying and going to church and trusting that God would bring him out on the other side and it would be amazing."

In Him (Jesus) was life, and that life was the light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
— John 1:4-5

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