Episode 122 - Jesus Appears and Heals Man of Terminal Cancer

Imagine hearing, "There is nothing we can do for you. You've got stage 4 cancer that has progressed to 90% of your bones. You may have 1-3 months to live. Just go home and be at peace with your family." Chuck Keel had always been a fighter. At a low point in the hospital, Jesus appears to Chuck and touches him on the shoulder. The message from Jesus and the journey that followed can only be described as miraculous! Today (over 8 years later) Chuck is thriving. His relationship with Jesus is solid and he is being obedient in his new calling of counseling others who are getting similar news from their doctors in his foundation called, "Get up and Live."

Thank you, Chuck, for sharing your amazing testimony with us and for serving others around the world with your whole heart! You radiate the light of Jesus and are undoubtedly an inspiration to every person you meet!

When you believe in Jesus, when you believe that Jesus came here, suffered, died, and was buried, rose from the dead and took away all of our sins, everything changes. Despite all of the crazy decisions and stuff that I did in my life, Jesus is here for me now. You can go to him no matter what. There’s a song, ‘I run to the father again and again, we’re broken, we’re human, but He’s there waiting for you.’ My faith was what allowed me to say, you know what, I’m the guy riding around in my truck with my white knuckles trying to control everything, my kids, my job, my relationships, and guess what? Now that Jesus is a big, huge part of my life and my best friend, I can’t change these things. But guess what? How about if I give them all to Him? I give them all to You, Jesus. Change the things you can and give the rest to God. It is so true. I lost my wife to cancer. I have kids, I have bills, I have every human thing just like you guys do. But the joy that I have in my heart now from walking with Jesus is absolutely incredible. I pray that you can open your heart to Him and experience this too.
— Chuck Keels


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Episode 123 - Crazy God Story


Episode 120 - Miracle Healing of Multiple Sclerosis (with Aurora Colello)