Episode 135 - Skeptical Attorney Witnesses the Supernatural!

Steve Austin was a churchgoing attorney who did not believe in supernatural healing miracles. His life was transformed when, out of curiosity, he participated in a mission trip to India and witnessed undeniable, verifiable supernatural healing miracles. His faith was ignited! Ultimately this would be the catalyst to lead him into full time ministry. 

Steve has ministered to thousands of patients and their families for 25 years in the largest medical center in the world - Houston's Texas Medical Center. He is the Founder of Living Hope Chaplaincy and is a pastor at Lakewood Church. He has taken his years of experience and revelation and written a beautiful book, God Heals, which explains eight powerful keys to defeat sickness and receive divine healing.

In this episode Steve shares:

  • His amazing testimony of the mission trip that changed everything

  • Experiencing the glory of God and being baptized in the Holy Spirit

  • His revelation of who God is as a healer and the importance of knowing what the Bible says and how it equips us to fight our health battles

  • Importance of the faith cocoon and an atmosphere of faith when facing a crisis and applicable Biblical context

  • Common blocks to healing including erroneous beliefs about God, speaking negatively, ineffective prayers

  • Healing of the soul and God being a holistic healer

  • Specific soul wounds (unforgiveness, disappointment, bitterness) and how they can open us up to illness

  • Spiritual warfare 

"I just want you to know, God loves you. God has you in the palm of his hand. You may be fighting a battle right now, but don't believe those never lies. Don't believe the never lies that I'm never going to get well. I'm never going to overcome this. Just keep persevering, keep trusting God, keep doing everything that you know to  keep your head up. Keep your head up looking at God and trusting in Him and exercising your faith and feeding your faith every day.  And you are going to get your breakthrough miracle in Jesus name.  God doesn't want to withhold it from you. He wants to give it to you, but sometimes he's doing a work in us before he does a work for us. And that's why God didn't do everything instantly because sometimes he's trying to grow our spiritual muscles and, and develop us and grow us up." - Steve Austin

I am the Lord who heals you.
— Exodus 15:26

"These signs will follow those who believe: In my name...they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover." -Mark 16:17-18 (Words of Jesus)

Steve's website:


Where to find more on the Living Hope Chaplaincy:


Steve's email: steveaustin700@hotmail.com

Steve's wonderful book with declarations, prayers, and so much more:


The purpose of Everyday Miracles Podcast is to share the love of Jesus. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed on behalf of guests do not necessarily represent the thoughts of the host. This podcast does not constitute services or medical advice. Please pray and thoroughly research options for medical needs. Listeners and viewers consume this content on a voluntary basis and assume all responsibility for the resulting consequences and impact.

For more testimonies, to apply, to reach Julie: http://everydaymiraclespodcast.com/ 

To email Julie directly: everydaymiraclespodcast@gmail.com


Episode 136 - Healing After Accidental Death or Injury - with Jennifer Eikenhorst


Episode 134 - Young Man's Compassion is Catalyst for Global Ministry - with Denny Matthews