Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 102: Unexpected Calling Unites Hearts Globally

Anna's second child was born with a congenital heart defect. The doctors said he had a 5% chance of survival for the first of a series of needed open heart surgeries. Their recommendation was to take their baby home and enjoy the little time they would have with their son. In the years following this trial, Anna would understand precisely how God equipped her to meet her son's specific needs, and the calling he would place on her heart that now benefits countless families around the world.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 100: Artist Is Commissioned By Jesus!

Tomas shares his life changing encounter with Jesus and how Jesus called him to create a new version of the cross. Tomas had always been sensitive in the spirit. After his church failed to help him understand and develop these gifts, he fell into the world of new age. It was 1988 when Tomas was awoken from his sleep to a vivid encounter with Christ that would lead him to truth.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 99: My Secrets From Heaven

Susanne died a traumatic death at age 12 when her double knotted scarf became entangled with an operative ski lift cable. She was hung, her neck was broken, and her estimated time of death was 45 minutes.

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