Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 123 - Crazy God Story

Chris Randall shares how God led him to work a full-time job without ever getting a paycheck as a way for him to share the love of God with people. Chris and his family walked in faith and saw God provide and orchestrate in miraculous ways!

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 122 - Jesus Appears and Heals Man of Terminal Cancer

Imagine hearing, "There is nothing we can do for you. You've got stage 4 cancer that has progressed to 90% of your bones. You may have 1-3 months to live. Just go home and be at peace with your family." Chuck Keel had always been a fighter. At a low point in the hospital, Jesus appears to Chuck and touches him on the shoulder. The message from Jesus and the journey that followed can only be described as miraculous! Today (over 8 years later) Chuck is thriving. His relationship with Jesus is solid and he is being obedient in his new calling of counseling others who are getting similar news from their doctors in his foundation called, "Get up and Live."

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 120 - Miracle Healing of Multiple Sclerosis (with Aurora Colello)

Aurora was 35, married with 4 young kids under the age of 7 when the doctors diagnosed her vision issue as optic neuritis related to Multiple Sclerosis (MS). They said her sight would never return, and based on the location of 10 lesions on her brain, the incurable, progressive disease would confine her to a wheelchair within five years. Aurora was devastated but soon found herself on a journey with God and forever changed.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 119 - Child Held By Jesus in Near Drowning with Courtney McKee

Max was 2 and 10 months of age when he was found lifeless at the bottom of a swimming pool. Miraculously he is resuscitated after a rough night in the intensive care unit and has no deficits! Soon after he returns home he shares with his parents that he wasn't afraid in the water, that Jesus was there holding him and comforting him. What he shared next about Jesus leaves everyone in complete awe.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 118 - Lives Transformed by Near Death Testimonies - with Shaun Tabatt

Shaun and I have a few things in common. We both have strong conservative Christian roots, and would have never imagined God would lead us to share near death testimonies on a platform. I loved having this opportunity to discuss his experience over the last few years and how this calling has challenged him, changed him, inspired him, and connected him to a beautiful community of believers. Shaun has interviewed an extensive list of near death experiencers (NDE), both heaven and hell, as well as guests with spiritually transformative experiences (STE). He has co-published 2 books around this subject and has a third one coming soon.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 117 - Message From God - with Reta McPherson

Retah's life changed completely on the night of a car accident that left her son Aldo fighting for his life (2004). This began a faith journey that would be laced with both hardships and supernatural miracles. While in the hospital battling for her son she experienced the presence of God and would be forever changed. During the process of Aldo's recovery he began to express through his writing that he met Jesus and witnessed the glory of heaven. He also emerged with a deep understanding of scripture and messages he claimed were from God. These messages through Aldo continue today.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 116 - Journey of Faith & An Open Heart - with Jenny Muscatell

Jenny loved her job as a social worker. She was proficient in handling crises and passionate about serving others. Unfortunately, as Jenny faced unimaginable hardships in her personal life, everything in her professional toolbox was not enough to persevere. Only God and her growing faith would sustain her through multiple hardships.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 115 - The Biggest Miracle Ever!

The big question I am always asked is, "What is the biggest miracle?" I have dodged this one for years - because I do love each of the testimonies I have shared - but today, it’s time for an answer!

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 114. Fetch The Goodness with Kellie Frazier

Keillie Frazier has experienced many miracles in her life. She is presently walking in the high calling of coaching children and families to focus on the goodness of God while building confidence, character and core values.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 113. Our Born Identity - with Randy & Cynthia Lail

Randy didn't want to admit he had a dark sexual addiction, but after nearly losing his life, he had no choice. Initially, Randy and his wife Cynthia had no idea regarding the extent of repressed trauma that was triggering these behaviors.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 112. Help From Heaven (Dolphin Rescue!) with Carlos Vivas

Carlos's life was changed forever the day God sent a dolphin to his rescue (2015). As he emerged from the water he cried out to Jesus with a heart of gratitude and fully surrendered his life to God. Miracles continue to happen in Carlos' life as he grows in his faith and seeks Jesus.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 111: Praise Report & A Word For 2023

I am back with some great news to share about what is coming next and a few beautiful praise reports of listeners who have accepted Jesus as their Lord & Savior. My prayer is that this encourages each listener to see the value in sharing a testimony. God can change a life with one word. I pray this encourages you!

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 110: Miracles Abound as Spirit Leads

Have you seen the huge Jesus rig traveling across the US in the last 2 years? Yes, there is a family that has wrapped a rig with a 14 foot picture of Jesus and they minister, baptize and show the love of Christ to every person they meet. Kassie Bennett and her family live in Cynthiana, KY and they are ALL IN when it comes to sharing the Gospel. The Jesus bus is just one of the pieces of what her family does in ministry.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 109: Death, Heaven, & a Mission

Tony was murdered, died for 30 minutes, and survives to share his miraculous testimony! Randomly targeted by an LA gang for an initiation (2003), he was shot 5 times and left to die in the streets of Los Angeles. Miracles in this testimony include a heavenly experience, deliverance, divine healing, an angelic encounter, and a new calling.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 108: Calling the Prodigals Home

Katie J. Carsten radically encountered the Lord Jesus Christ and His love for her in 2014 and she has been on fire for Him ever since. She spent many years as a nurse until the Lord called her away from her job in 2018, telling her that her primary ministry was to her family and to bring them to Him. Little did she know that less than a year later she would encounter the greatest fight of her life, the fight for her son’s salvation and destiny.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 107: Taken Up Into A Tornado And Survived!

Jason was taken up into the funnel of a tornado and lives to tell about it. Miraculous, yes, but his full testimony and faith journey includes many powerful pieces including deliverance and redemption. He is currently passionate about serving his community and sharing his message of hope and faith.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 106: Message From God

Yes! I truly believe God has sent me an urgent message for me and for you. Excited to share with you how God led me to this and the multiple confirmations that He has provided.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 105: Dying to Be Alive

In 2008 Colin suffered a heart attack and died briefly while in an ambulance. While pulseless he had a profound experience where he saw heaven and communicated with Jesus and angels. He returned to be with his children, and loves sharing his beautiful insights into the supernatural. He is a spirit filled Christian and is passionate about helping others understand that an encounter with Jesus is possible for them right here and right now.

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 104: Holy Spirit Prompting Leads to Miracle!

A mother receives a clear and urgent prompting from the Holy Spirit about her son and his mysterious declining health.Through a family's prayer and persistence, Steve was able to get the life altering care he was incapable of knowing he needed. He and his family are thrilled to share what God has done!

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Everyday Miracles Podcast Everyday Miracles Podcast

Episode 103: Healing and Forgiveness After Tragic Loss of Son

Lori courageously shares her deeply personal journey of heartache and healing in hopes of encouraging others who are suffering with grief, bitterness or unforgiveness. On September 20, 2011 Lori lost her son Nathan to a drug overdose. Devastated, something in Lori led her to immediately pray to God specifically. Heartbroken that God did not heal her son from his addiction, she still chose to trust Him. She asked God to help her get through it, to keep her from bitterness, and to stop this event from breaking her family.

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